One more week of class! Everyone should check their grades on Blackboard to be sure there are no errors.
Here are the final exam procedures for each class:
SOC 201: The final exam is cumulative and consists of 60 multiple choice questions. Your exam date is listed below. The exam can be taken online or in class. Regardless of which you choose, the exam must be completed within the exam time. This time slot is different from the university exam period (the exam is at 9:30 in the morning rather than 8:30). Also, UNlike the format for previous tests in class, the final exam must be completed between 9:30 and 11:30 AM on test day. The test will NOT be open all day like other tests have been.
If you are choosing to come to class to complete the final exam, send me an email and let me know. I will see you at 9:30 on test day.
If you are choosing to take the exam online, the test will open at 9:30 and will only be open for a two hour window. Good luck.
9:00 class - exam Wednesday, December 15 from 9:30 to 11:30
10:00 class - exam Friday, December 17 from 9:30 to 11:30
SOC 340: If you have a grade average of 90% or better (once all grades have been posted, divide your total points by 380 to get your grade), then you are exempt from taking the final. If you are happy with your grade (either an A or A-), then email me to let me know you are not taking the exam.
If you are taking the final, it is cumulative and consists of essay questions for you to answer as a take-home. It is due Thursday, December 16. The final will be posted on Blackboard one week earlier, this Thursday on December 9. The exam must be typed and turned in to me as a hard copy. If you would like to turn it in early, this is possible, but not by email. Contact me.