Tuesday, August 23, 2005

About Prison

The U.S. currently imprisons a higher percentage of its population than any other country in the world. This page is for those who wish to learn about prison issues and what we can do for the future.

General Corrections Links
Prison Statistics from BJS
American Jail Association
American Corrections Association
American Probation and Parole Association
Virginia Department of Corrections
Center for Community Alternatives CCA is a private, not-for-profit agency providing direct services to professionals and clients in the criminal and juvenile justice and related human service systems, as well as research, training and technical assistance in those fields.
Corrections.com The Corrections Connection came online in February 1996 as the first weekly news source committed to improving the lives of corrections professionals and their families. Our intention was to create an open forum where practitioners could exchange ideas and utilize best practices, resources, case studies and new technologies. Today The Corrections Connection is the #1 Online Community for Corrections Professionals and Businesses.
National Center on Institutions and Alternatives (NCIA)
Also has What Every American Should Know About the Criminal Justice System
The Sentencing ProjectThe Sentencing Project Website is designed to provide resources and information for the news media and a public concerned with criminal justice and sentencing issues.
Prison History
Federal Bureau of Prisons
Correctional Systems, Inc.Privatization of Prisons. With CJ resources and prison FAQs.
The Stanford Prison ExperimentAn overview of this famous experiment, with clips from selected portions of the experiment, voice over, and an order form.
The World Prison Brief Online A database of information on the prison systems of 200+ countries.

Specific Prisons
Devil's Island An essay on the history of the most famous and dreaded prison of all time.
Eastern State Penitentiary

Negative Aspects of Prison
There are more people behind bars in the United States today than ever before. Since 1980, the inmate population has more than quadrupled to two million -- an unprecedented explosion that is incurring unprecedented costs to all Americans.

What is The Real Price of Prisons? Debt to Society. see articles under "unintended consequences" such as this one: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/national/daily/july99/prisons12.htm

Juveniles in Adult Prisons
"Today, there are thousands of young people living desperate lives locked away in adult prisons. Across the nation, the U.S. Department of Justice estimates there were about 5,500 juveniles being held in adult prisons in the late 1990s. There is little doubt that there are more than that now. Additionally, there are over 9,000 youths being held in the nation's adult jails." from USA Today July, 2002
The Risks Juveniles Face When They Are Incarcerated With Adults
Children in Adult Jails Factsheet

Prison Life/Culture
The Basics on Prisoner RapeIn the Wake of a Riot the story of the disastrous 1954 riot that leveled much of the Missouri State Penitentiary and left four convicts dead and 30 wounded.
A Prisoner's Dictionary
Torture and Abuse of Prisoners

The privatization of prisons has expanded rapidly in the past decade, capitalizing on soaring incarceration rates.
Arguments For and Against Private Prisons
Ten Controversial Issues Examined
Well Kept: Comparing Quality of Confinement in a Public and a Private Prison

Prisons Alternatives/Future Policy
Americans are being sent to prisons all across the US for non-violent crimes and minor drug offenses. Now we are facing prison overcrowding like never before.
Abolish Prisons Alternatives to Prisons

Death Penalty
Death Penalty InformationD
eath Row Trivia some of the unusual and even humorous facts attending capital punishment.
Death Penalty Links tons!
Dead Man Eating see what prisoners had as their last meals before execution. (Also inlcudes last words and info about their crime).
Final Words read the last words of prisoners right before their execution.

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