Wednesday, November 23, 2005


How to cite your reference page: We will follow ASA style to document sources. The ASA format is used in the social sciences, especially sociology and criminal justice. Document all sources. Note that there is no underlining. Nothing is underlined. I have provided a basic format and some examples for most common forms of sources. Please note there is a hanging indent on the reference page (where the second and each subsequent line of the reference is indented). I expect that your papers/assignments follow this format. There are no exceptions. Points will be deducted from any work not in this format. Don't hesitate to ask if you have a question.


Quoting directly (see that there are two ways): "The rape of men in the community has received little empirical attention primarily because relevant data about this statistically rare crime are scarce" (Pino and Meier 1999:12). Or Pino and Meier (1999) state that "the rape of men in the community has received little empirical attention primarily because relevant data about this statistically rare crime are scarce" (12).

Paraphrasing: Because data on male rape in the community is hard to come by, empirical attention towards this topic has been limited (Pino and Meier 1999).



· Format: Author(s). Year. "Title." Journal Volume (Issue): page numbers.

[Depending on the journal, there may not be an issue number.]

Pino, Nathan W. and Robert F. Meier. 1999. "Gender Differences in Rape Reporting." Sex Roles 40(11/12): 979-990.

Loper, A.B. 1996. "Homicide by Juvenile Girls." Journal of Child and Family Studies 5: 323- 336.

Thornberry, T., M. Moore, and R. Christenson. 1985. "The Effect of Dropping out of High School on Subsequent Criminal Behavior." Criminology 23:3-18.


· Format: Author(s). Year. Title. Place: Publisher.

Goffman, Erving. 1967. Interaction Ritual. New York: Anchor.

Kramer, Candice. 2001. Success in Distance Learning. New York: Delmar Publishers.

Regoli, Robert M. and John D. Hewitt. 2003. Delinquency in Society. 5th edition. Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill.

Maguire, K. and A. Pastore, eds. 1998. Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics--1997. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice. [this is an edited book]


[Get as much info as you can, reputable sources have all info listed. If it is an online journal, then cite it as a journal and add the web address below it. note: you may want to consult Evaluating Internet Resources]

· Format: Who [organization or author]. Year. What/Title. Web address

Federal Bureau of Investigation. 1996. Uniform Crime Report.


· Format: Author. Year. Title. Newspaper, Date.

Gorman, Linda. 1999. Anti-gun law is real danger. Denver Post, 20 January.

Frank Zappa. 1993. You can't do that on stage anymore. New York Times, 27 March.


[All cases should be cited together in a separate section under this heading.]

· Format: The Names in the case, volume number abbreviation for the case reporter first page of the case (Year).

[You can find case citations rather easily and are usually listed.]

Furman v. Georgia, 408 U.S. 238 (1972).

Roe v. Wade, 93 S. Ct. 705 (1973).

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