Monday, August 01, 2005

CJ Links

American Society of Criminolgy
American Sociological Association
Federal Criminal Investigators Association
Amnesty International Amnesty International is a worldwide campaigning movement that works to promote all the human rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international standards. In particular, Amnesty International campaigns to free all prisoners of conscience; ensure fair and prompt trials for political prisoners; abolish the death penalty, torture and other cruel treatment of prisoners; end political killings and "disappearances"; and oppose human rights abuses by opposition groups.
Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice A private non-profit organization whose mission is to reduce society's reliance on the use of incarceration as a solution to social problems.
Stop The HateStop The Hate is a website of the Student Civil Rights Project of Massachusetts. The service is designed to receive reports of hate incidents and provide information and resources to students, educators, law enforcement and communitites to help combat prejudice and hatred in schools.
Vera Institute of JusticeOrganization works with governement officials around the world to improve the services people rely on for safety and justice. Website includes links to information on crime and victimization, policing, the judicial process, sentencing and corrections, institutions for youth, planning and demonstrating solutions, advancing research, consulting nationally, working nationally, building nonprofit organizations, publications, and links.
International Society of Crime Prevention PractitionersThe Crime Prevention People.
Virginia Crime Prevention AssociationThe mission of the VCPA is to develop and implement programs that prevent crime by focusing on reducing opportunities for crime. VICTIMS
International Victimology WebsiteResource for all those interested in improving justice for victims of crime and abuse of power. Features two databases (Victimology Research Database - victimology research in progress and Victim Services and Victimization Prevention Database -promising practices); a document and publications hosting page (including the UN Handbook on Justice for Victims and the Guide for Policymakers on the Implementation of the UN Declaration of Basic Principles of Justice for Victims of Crime and Abuse of Power); links to other victimology resources on the Internet; and a victimology news page and bulletin board.
National Center for Victims of CrimeThe National Center for Victims of Crime believes in forging a national commitment to help victims of crime rebuild their lives. We are dedicated to serving individuals, families, and communities harmed by crimes. Through collaboration with local, state, and federal partners they provide direct services and resources; advocate for laws and public policies that create resources and secure rights and protections for victims; and deliver training and technical assistance to victim services providers and allied professionals.

U.S. Department of Justice Homeincludes Attorney General Civil Rights Division, Drug Enforcement Administration, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Federal Bureau of Prisons, National Institute of Corrections, National Institute of Justice, Office of the Attorney General, U.S. Attorneys, U.S. Marshals Service and much more.
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF)The ATF is a law enforcement organization within the United States Department of Treasury with unique responsibilities dedicated to reducing violent crime, collecting revenue, and protecting the public. ATF enforces the Federal laws and regulations relating to alcohol, tobacco, firearms, explosives and arson.
Bureau of Justice StatisticsThe Bureau of Justice Statistics electronically publishes papers, as well as a variety of materials including statistical graphics and spreadsheets.
Federal Bureau of InvestigationPosts informaton about the Most Wanted fugitives, missing persons, the Freedom of Information Act, employment with the FBI, and their programs and initiatives.
Drug Enforcement Administration(DEA)
Environmental Protection Administration (EPA)
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
Immigration and Naturalization Service
National Security Agency
U.S. Marshalls
U.S. Department of the Treasury
The U.S. Secret Sercvice

International Association of Chiefs of Police - IACPIACP offers information about training, conferences, informational resources including publications, international activities, legislative and policy, and professional assistance on their website.
Officer.comThe most popular site in law enforcement, with agency directories, special units & more.
Police GuideA monster site with over 250 pages, directories, links, memorabilia, collecting and other resources.
The Community Policing Consortium
Cops on the NetAn extensive site with links to agencies by state and topic and chat opportunities.
Law Enforcement Management and Administrative Statistics (LEMAS)

American Prosecutors Research InstituteA research and program development resource for prosecutors at all levels of government. Activities include training and curriculum development; technical assistance and consultation; publications; and research. Website includes links to their programs on various topics in violence and violence prevention, including child abuse, elder abuse, hate crimes, and violence against women.
Center for Court InnovationPromotes new thinking about how courts can solve difficult problems like quality-of-life crime, domestic violence, and child neglect. Website posts information about the center and their findings.
Find LawWebsite offers much information on laws and the legal field. Includes sections on Legal News, Legal Professions, Students, The Public, Business, and MY Find Law.
The Legal Information Institute from Cornell Law SchoolResources include recent and historic Supreme Court cases, a complete copy of the U.S. Code, the Constitution, the Federal Rules of Evidence, the Rules of Criminal Procedure and a whole lot more. Highly comprehensive.
The Internet Law LibrarySearch for opinions.
The U.S. Supreme Court
The National Center for State Courts
The National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
National District Attorney's Association
Law.comThere's a lot of free stuff on this site about law for lawyers, students, and the public, but there are also obvious commercial aspirations. It includes the online and free version of "American Lawyer" and a dictionary of over 3000 legal terms.

American Jail Association
American Corrections Association
American Probation and Parole Association
Virginia Department of Corrections
Center for Community Alternatives CCA is a private, not-for-profit agency providing direct services to professionals and clients in the criminal and juvenile justice and related human service systems, as well as research, training and technical assistance in those fields. The Corrections Connection came online in February 1996 as the first weekly news source committed to improving the lives of corrections professionals and their families. Our intention was to create an open forum where practitioners could exchange ideas and utilize best practices, resources, case studies and new technologies. Today The Corrections Connection is the #1 Online Community for Corrections Professionals and Businesses.
National Center on Institutions and Alternatives (NCIA)
Also has What Every American Should Know About the Criminal Justice System
The Sentencing ProjectThe Sentencing Project Website is designed to provide resources and information for the news media and a public concerned with criminal justice and sentencing issues.
Prison History
Federal Bureau of Prisons
Correctional Systems, Inc.Privatization of Prisons. With CJ resources and prison FAQs.
The Stanford Prison ExperimentAn overview of this famous experiment, with clips from selected portions of the experiment, voice over, and an order form.
The World Prison Brief Online A database of information on the prison systems of 200+ countries.

The Basics of Juvenile Justice from the from the University of Alaska
National Center for Juvenile Justice (NCJJ)A resource for independent and original research on topics related directly and indirectly to the field of juvenile justice.
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
Youth Crime Watch of AmericaA youth-led movement to create a crime-free, drug-free and violence-free environment in our schools and neighborhoods.
National Youth Gang Center (NYGC)
Juvenile Justiceat NCJRS, a federally funded resource offering justice and substance abuse information to support research, policy, and program development worldwide.

College and University Crime Statistics Our mission is to educate prospective students, parents and the campus community about the prevalence of crime on our nation's college and university campuses.
National Juvenile Court Data ArchiveThis Archive houses the automated records of cases handled by courts with juvenile jurisdiction. The Archive was established by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, within the U.S. Department of Justice, to promote access to automated juvenile court data sets for juvenile justice research and policymaking efforts.
Race and Crime statistics
Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics Sourcebook brings together data from more than 100 sources about all aspects of criminal justice in the United States.
Uniform Crime ReportsUCR from the FBI
The National Archive of Criminal Justice Data (NACJD) NACJD preserves and distributes computerized crime and justice data from Federal agencies, state agencies, and investigator initiated research projects to users for secondary statistical analysis.
Statistical Analysis Centers (SACs)SACs are state agencies that collect, analyze, and disseminate justice data.
National Criminal Justice Reference ServiceNCJRS is a federally funded resource offering justice and substance abuse information to support research, policy, and program development worldwide.

Cecil Greek's CJ Page
Cybrary of Criminal Justice
Web of Justice
Dr. Matt's CJ Links

TOPICS: Children
American Bar Association Center on Children and the LawThe ABA Center on Children and the Law offers law-related resources relating to child abuse and neglect and other components of child welfare.
Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section (CEOS)Subsite of the Criminal Division of the United States Department of Justice website. CEOS contains information about child pornography, child predators, and traffickers of women and children including information on how to report child pornography on the Internet; investigating and prosecuting exploitation of children; safety tips for parents and children; international aspects of child exploitation; and more.
Children NowDedicated to children's issues such as children and the media, children's health and family economic security.

Domestic Violence/ Women
American Bar Association Commission on Domestic ViolenceReports on ending domestic violence, information on getting help, facts about domestic violence, events, and commission news. Provides a document, How an abuser can discover your Internet activities. The document discusses email safety and methods for clearing the computer cache of visited sites.
Battered Women's Justice Project (BWJP)BWJP provides technical assistance for practitioners on policy issues related to the civil and criminal justice response to domestic violence, including use of the self-defense plea by battered women charged with crimes. Also provides information on the response of Native communities to domestic violence.
Domestic Violence Resource CenterProvides information on domestic violence and stalking, including information on the law and community resources in Ohio available to help you stay safe and complete the court papers necessary to get legal protection. Also includes information for attorneys and domestic violence advocates.
Domestice Violence Linksfrom Web of Justice (more CJ links)
National Organization for Women ( NOW )NOW's webpage posts information on many critical issues including violence against women. The page includes legislative updates, NOW actions, news reports, and information regarding other violence against women issues.
Stop Family ViolenceInformation about legislation and family violence statistics. Includes a maillist - you will receive updates on the progress of important legislation and alerts when we must mobilize for action.
Violence Against Women Online ResourcesViolence Against Women Online Resources is an extension of the Violence Against Women Grants Office. This site is devoted to providing law, criminal justice, advocacy, and social service professionals with up-to-date information on interventions to stop violence against women. The site contains many downloadable documents about violence against women.
Women and Crime from the Texas Woman's University
WomenWatchThis is the United Nations Internet gateway on the advancement and empowerment of Women. Here you can learn about the work of the United Nations entities and inter-governmental and treaty bodies that deal with the advancement and empowerment of women and about international instruments on women's rights, as well as find information about UN conferences, statistical data, and UN appointments.

Serial Killers
Mass Murderers and Serial Killers From the Crime Library, this site covers just about everyone you have ever heard of and tons more than you haven't! serial killers - a new case every weekday
Serial Killers Hit ListLots of information!!
Casebook: Jack the RipperThe world's largest public repository of Ripper-related information.

Sex Offenders
Association for the Treatment of Sexual AbusersFoster research, facilitates information exchange, further professional education and provide for the advancement of professional standards and practices in the field of sex offender evaluation and treatment. Website includes information on membership, conferences, state chapters, public policy, publications, awards and grants, employment, research, forms, and resources.
Sexoffender.comSex Database Registry providing assistance to parents, children, law enforcement, schools, and the community in identification of potential sexoffenders. Includes on-line data systems. Raises public awareness about ways to help prevent child abduction, molestation and sexual exploitation.

Drugs/Drug Use
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
The National Institute on Drug Abuse
The White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP)The goals of the program are to reduce illicit drug use, manufacturing, and trafficking, drug-related crime and violence, and drug-related health consequences. Features Street Terms of drugs and the drug trade.
American Council for Drug Education (ACDE)ACDE has an exciting range of educational programs and services designed to engage teens, address the needs of parents, and provide employers, educators, health professionals, policy-makers and the media with authoritative information on tobacco, alcohol and drugs such as marijuana, cocaine and heroin.
High TimesAn internet site and magazine bringing readers news, interviews, photographs, growing tips, legal and drug testing information.
The Marijuana Policy ProjectYou can get active in your state, too. Information about Marijuana
The National Institute on Drug Abuse
RAND Drug Policy Research Center

Capital Punishment
Capital Punishment Information from the University of Alaska
ACLU's Death Penalty PageJust to be sure you know, they oppose the death penalty!
Fight the Death Penalty in the USA
ProDeathPenalty.comThey open with this quote from John McAdams: "If we execute murderers and there is in fact no deterrent effect, we have killed a bunch of murderers. If we fail to execute murderers, and doing so would in fact have deterred other murders, we have allowed the killing of a bunch of innocent victims. I would much rather risk the former. This, to me, is not a tough call."
Post-Furman Botched Executions from The Death Penalty Information Center(an excellent site).
Before the NeedlesThe death penalty before lethal injection.
Death Penalty NewsAn electronic newsletter on the U.S. Death Penalty and its uses. Updated approximately every two weeks. It Includes executions by year and state, addresses and related links.
Death Penalty LinksExtensive page of links pertaining to the death penalty.
About Prisonwith methods of execution and links to websites about prisons and capital punishment.

Guns/ Gun Control
National Rifle Association (NRA)
Handgun-Free AmericaAt the time of this page's creation (02-05-03), 2,817 Americans have died from guns so far this year (as reported on this site).
Handgun ControlBrady Campaign and the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence

Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section (CCIPS)Offers information on computer crimes including hacking and viruses. Gives general information and cybercrime legal and policy issues. Includes the Federal Code relating to Cybercrimes.
Hot Topics: StalkingNational Center for Victims of Crime sponsors this website specific to stalking. The site gives information about laws and public policy, safety tips for parents, cyber-stalking, etc. Includes a bibliography of resources.
Crime LibraryFrom CourtTV, it explores the criminal mind and methods.
Preventing Crime: What Works, What Doesn't, What's Promising A report to the US Congress
Partnerships Against Violence NetworkA virtual library of information about violence and youth-at-risk, representing data from seven different Federal agencies.
Crime Prevention Resource Center
Banned Books On-Line
Crime Scene Investigation
FBI's files released through the Freedom of Information Act.
CJ Timeline

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